The activities of Centro Studi GISED are supported through research contracts, membership fees and donations from public institutions and private citizens.
Among those that contributed, are:
- Italian Medicines Agency (AIFA)
- European Commission
- Italian League for the Fight Against Cancer (LILT)
- Health Protection Agency (ATS) of the province of Bergamo
- Research Institute for Fragrance Materials, Inc.
- L'Oreal Research
Agreements are in place between Centro Studi GISED and the following institutions:
University of Milan with participation in the T.Chalmers Inter-university Center.
Centro Studi GISED, in its function as a reference center for the evidence based medicine, collaborates with some public and private institutions:
- M. Negri Institute of Pharmacological Research, Milan
- Italian Cochrane Network
- Italian Medicines Agency
- Ministry of Health
- Health Protection Agency of the province of Bergamo
- Partecipasalute Initiative
- Department of Mathematics, University of Milan
- European Dermatoepidemiology Network (EDEN)
- International Dermatoepidemiology Association (IDEA)
- Cochrane Skin Group
- Dermatology Clinic, University Hospital of Geneva (Switzerland)
- Italian Society of Rheumatology
- Dermatology Clinic, University Hospital of Bern (Switzerland)