Centro Studi GISED

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Centro Studi GISED was established in 2002 as a nonprofit organisation to develop independent clinical research in Dermatology and to promote an Evidence Based approach to the clinical management of skin disorders . Initially, activities were mainly focused on the coordination of the research projects of the Italian Group for Epidemiologic Research in Dermatology (GISED). Subsequently, they expanded to embrace any kind of clinical research, medical humanities, and health education.

In 2003, Centro Studi GISED got formal recognition for its activity and mandate by Regione Lombardia being entered in the Enterprise Registry (Registro delle Imprese) of the Bergamo Chamber of Commerce with number 2096.

In October 2003, Centro Studi GISED signed an agreement with the Regional Hospital, Ospedali Riuniti di Bergamo, and established its headquarter at the Department of Dermatology of the same Hospital.

Since 2003, following an agreement with the University of Milan, Centro Studi GISED is participating in the Inter-universitary Centre Thomas Chalmers for the development of systematic reviews and their implementation in clinical practice.


Answers from the Dermatologist

Tick bites

Answers from the DermatologistQuestion: Hello, I had a tick bite 3 days ago, redness in the area where tick was spiked is stopped, but I feel only a little swelling under the bite?...
Answer: Dear friend, thank you for your message. In fact, if the tick is only partially removed, rostrum (the organ fixed to the skin) remains embedded in the skin and it is possible a reaction from foreign body that resolved slowly over time. Antibiotic treatment...


Research Projects

PsoReal Registry

psorealThe PsoReal registry is a program of "outcomes research" on psoriasis in its various forms which originates from the PsoCare project coordinated in Italy by Centro Studi GISED...

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