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Micro-varicose veins and Telangiectasias - FAQ

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Micro-varicose veins and telangiectasias

Are cutaneous vascular lesions. Telangiectasias on the skin and mucous membranes assume the appearance of a red or bluish spider’s web. They are principally located on the face and legs. Both can be seen in men and women of any age. Micro-varicose veins are often located on the lower limbs.

Dear doctor, I did the argon laser at nose sides, for two small capillaries, with a devastating result: they branched. What type of laser is reliable? Thank you.

Dear Madam, telangiectasias of the face (i.e. capillaries) often grow and branch, so probably it was not a negative consequence of the laser, but a natural evolution. I would recommend to undergo a check (perhaps where she has been treated unsuccessfully) for a possible adjustment. An alternative and less expensive treatment is diathermocoagulation, feasible nearby almost all dermatologists, plastic surgeons, vascular surgeons. Best Regards Dr. Lorenzo Peli - GISED

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