Centro Studi GISED

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Centro Studi GISED has established Psonet, an international registry of systematic treatments for psoriasis in Europe, with the aim of obtaining safety and effectiveness data. A special focus is on the so-called "biologicals", i.e., drugs obtained by molecular biology techniques, such as etanercept, infliximab, adalimumab, ustekinumab and others. Uncertainties still exist about the long term safety and efficacy profile of these new drugs.
The Psonet program has among its objectives the evaluation of drug prescription profiles in order to define, as far as possible, shared usage criteria in Europe; the study of prognostic factors for the response to treatment and the estimation of risks for infrequent or rare events with particular attention to opportunistic infections and tumors. Ultimately, it may be possible to identify individuals at higher risk for rare but serious and potentially avoidable adverse events.


Results of the study were published by several scientific journals:

Garcia-Doval I, Descalzo MA, Mason KJ,et al.; Psonet Network. Cumulative exposure to biological therapy and risk of cancer in patients with psoriasis: a meta-analysis of Psonet studies from Israel, Italy,Spain, the U.K. and Republic of Ireland. Br J Dermatol. 2018;179:863-871.

Busard CI, Cohen AD, Wolf P,et al. Biologics combined with conventional systemic agents or phototherapy for the treatment of psoriasis: real-life data from PSONET registries. J Eur Acad Dermatol Venereol. 2018;32:245-253.

Davila-Seijo P, Garcia-Doval I, Naldi L, et al. Factors Associated with Receiving Biologics or Classic Systemic Therapy for Moderate-to-Severe Psoriasis: Evidence from the PSONET Registries. Acta Derm Venereol. 2017 ;97:516-518.

Garcia-Doval I, Cohen AD, Cazzaniga S, et al.; Psonet Network. Risk of serious infections, cutaneous bacterial infections, and granulomatous infections in patients with psoriasis treated with anti-tumor necrosis factor agents versus classic therapies: Prospective meta-analysis of Psonet registries. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2017;76:299-308.e16.

Garcia-Doval I, Rustenbach SJ, Stern R, et al. ; Psonet Network. Systemic psoriasis therapy shows high between-country variation: a sign of unwarranted variation? Cross-sectional analysis of baseline data from the PSONET registries. Br J Dermatol. 2013;169:710-4.

Ormerod AD, Augustin M, Baker C, et al.Challenges for synthesising data in a network of registries for systemic psoriasis therapies. Dermatology. 2012;224:236-43.

Lecluse LL, Naldi L, Stern RS, et al. National registries of systemic treatment for psoriasis and the European 'Psonet' initiative. Dermatology. 2009;218(4):347-56.

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