Centro Studi GISED

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OncoSkinTargeted drugs are new oncologic therapeutic agents able to regulate in a specific way the function of "target" molecules involved in cancer growth and spreading. These drugs, although better tolerated than standard chemotherapy with cytotoxic treatments, are often associated with several dermatologic adverse reactions. In some cases, severe cutaneous side effects can impose a dose modification or therapy discontinuation.

Interestingly, the appearance of skin reactions upon the administration of targeted drugs, may be a useful marker of treatment efficacy and positive prognosis.

The main goal of the Oncoskin project was to promote an optimal management of skin reactions due to targeted drugs, to improve clinical practice, to develop shared diagnostic criteria and advices, to support a proper training of the health staff, to decrease costs and promote knowledge about the use of cancer drugs.

The Project was conducted within the DIPO of Bergamo and Brescia provinces.

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